Background & Experience
Discovering this technique was one of the most important events in my life. It was recommended to me as a way of letting go of uncomfortable and destructive feelings, but its scope has far exceeded that initial intention.
By rediscovering my natural ability to let go, I have come a long way towards freeing myself from cycles of high-energy chaos followed by pervasive low-level depression and anxiety. By using the Method, I can easily release the emotions that drive the ‘must do more’ and ‘not enough’ thoughts to find a much more natural, easy way to be in the world.

How I found the Sedona Method and the impact it had on my life
Back in the early 2010s, my life as an artist had hit a rut. Making my large-scale sculptures was no longer feasible and my enthusiasm had begun to wane. Having worked in finance, I’d taken up day trading to fund my artistic life, but that was making things worse. Torn between wanting to re-ignite my passion for art and wanting to secure my future, I ended up failing at both.
In 2014 someone told me about a technique that could change the way you feel. Fantastic! I thought, and dived in. The Sedona Method would transform every aspect of my life. From the very start, I felt calm and the stress eased away. I worked with it while in my studio and I would literally run to the sofa, sit down, close my eyes and do the exercises. The deeper and more profound the results, the more I practised.
But our brains are mischievous things, and I started to hear a critical voice in my head. This was too simple. Too easy. I’d studied psychology. This kind of difference took years of therapy: “It can’t be real,” I told myself.

Shiny-new-object syndrome
I set aside the Sedona Method. Slick advertising, impressive testimonials and a conviction that I had to solve the problem of myself, persuaded me to take more courses, where I learned lots of time-consuming, convoluted techniques that were supposed to improve my ‘mind-set’ and ‘hack my nervous system’.
This is known as ‘shiny new object syndrome’. You jump at another idea, apply the same logic, and fail again.
There followed short bursts of success, then self-sabotage would return, and I would be left floundering again, searching for answers and direction.
Despite all the discomfort, deep down inside, I knew that losing interest in art had to make sense. It had been my life for over 20 years and the part of me that produced my artworks was years ahead of my conscious, thinking mind.
Bodywork comes into my life
Amidst all the gloom, there was one light shining very brightly: I trained in Thai Massage and Holistic Bodywork. I’d always loved working with my hands, with materials, with movement and I had now found a whole new way to do that, and I was learning some fascinating things about our bodies and nervous systems in the process. Much as I loved the training, I never considered it a career option, “It’s just not me” I told myself.
Return to the Sedona Method
Then one day, the penny dropped. Walking in a forest early one morning, I suddenly saw that the only real problem I had was believing that there was something wrong with me, that I needed to fix myself, change how my brain worked — and that I needed someone to show me the way.
I had learned enough about the Sedona Method to know that it was the perfect technique for letting go of this intense dissatisfaction with myself. I sat down, closed my eyes and allowed my feelings of frustration, regret and confusion to ‘just be’. As I looked inwards, I found that each layer of positive ‘happy talk’ that I tried to convince myself of gave way to a new layer of doubt and fear.
I worked my way deeper, releasing each new feeling or thought as it appeared. It was like removing layers of dirty sticking plasters to reveal smooth, healed skin underneath.

At last, it all made sense
I stopped day trading and began to study releasing. Instead of falling off a cliff financially, I was enjoying success in my massage and bodywork practice.
Now it made sense that I had moved away from art a few years before: an evolution had started, towards a whole new way of seeing the world and answering the question that drove my art practice: who or what are we?
I began to support other people to release and I completed hundreds of Sedona Method facilitation sessions. I saw the same positive results repeated over and over again.
My careers in art and finance, and my education in psychology, trauma, bodywork and massage have all combined to mean I can support people in a unique way.
Using the Sedona Method has transformed how I see myself, see others and see the world.
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