Have you ever wanted to let go?
We know we should let go of our tired old stories and habitual feeling states. Our friends might even say to us, ‘you should let that go’. We’d love to be free of agendas in our relationships and habits that are long past their sell-by date.
Telling ourselves to, ‘just let let it go’ doesn’t help.
The Sedona Method is the technique for letting go. You will find that even the most stubborn feelings and ingrained stories miraculously disappear.
It’s easy to learn. Once you’ve learned it, you can do it and time, anywhere.
The more you do it, the more you will experience freedom, effortlessness and peace.
This is available to us, once we clear out our mental clutter.
Quieter mind | Experiencing emotions but not being hi-jacked or controlled by them | Past hurts, regret or mistakes loosen their grip | Releasing and dissolving tension in relationships.
| It’s easy to learn, and you can use it to feel freer and more at ease in any situation
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What is it and how can it help you?
The Sedona Method is a simple, easy to learn way of feeling less stressed and more engaged in life. It works by allowing you to let go of the thoughts, beliefs and feelings that get in the way of experiencing the freedom, effortlessness and peace that is your natural state.
Your mind has breathtaking problem-solving and creative capacities. It also causes you no end of trouble. If you observe your thoughts, you find that they constantly doubt you, insult you and resist the world. They tell you that you shouldn’t or can’t do things you love to do and that you must do the things you don’t, and they have a habit of upending your best-laid plans.
This incessant mental activity is like going through life carrying an enormous boulder in your back. The commentary is so habitual, and we are so used to it that we think it is us.
After all, without the boulder, without the struggle to overcome, without the challenges and the suffering, who would we be? Sometimes we love that boulder more than we like to admit. Or we think we’re stuck with it – this is just how life is – so we had better like it …
We forget we can just drop it, set it down and walk away.
As we practice the Sedona Method, we discover that we can let a lot of this go, and it’s often much easier than we could ever have imagined.

How does it work?
The Sedona Method is a radical departure from conventional self-help programs
We open to whatever is here, now
This Is the opposite of what we habitually do with our inner, emotional lives. We normally judge whatever is here and then try to control it, ignore it, figure it out, find someone to blame, find someone to help and so on, and all this does Is keep us stuck …
With the Sedona Method, we start by welcoming, allowing, or even just acknowledging whatever is here and now.
All Is welcome here
… no matter how odd, embarrassing or even trivial what you are experiencing might seem, it is welcome here. You cannot get the Sedona Method wrong – whatever is coming up Into consciousness in any moment is here and It’s welcome and It’s ready to be let go.
And If you want to hold on, that Is also welcome.
There’s nothing wrong with you
We’re not pretending that aren’t big challenges facing us in our day-to-day lives and facing the planet we live on, nor are we denying that we prefer some outcomes and situations over others, but as you work with the Sedona Method, you will discover that at your core, you are, whole, complete and lack for nothing. This understanding is experiential rather than intellectual, so come and try the Method for yourself and see what you discover.

“I feel better, a lot lighter.. it seems to have suddenly gone…”
This what people say over and over again as we work through the process together.
You already know how to let go. We just forgot how easy it is.
The Sedona Method reconnects us with our natural ability
to experience emotions and allow them drop away.
About me
The Sedona Method has completely transformed how I see myself, see others and the world.
The Sedona Method is fast and effective. It doesn’t matter if you are completely new to the Method or if you have been releasing for years – it proves itself over and over again as the easiest and fastest way for us to be free of disturbing thought patterns and stuck feelings.
I have a breadth of therapeutic and life experience that I bring into my work. I draw upon these rich resources in every facilitation. As a client, you will enjoy an individualised program, designed to meet your exact needs.

Sally Underwood is such a skilled and insightful facilitator using the Sedona Method. Her calm manner and soothing voice give me a deep feeling that I can trust her completely.
Thanks Sally, you’re so great at assisting me to let go and get on with the life and work I want.